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The car was sandwiched in between two trucks.

The money was shared out between them.

The similarity between the two reports suggests that they were written by the same person.

The sisterly chats between the two of them lasted till midnight.

The line of flags was slung between two trees.

Keep some space between your car and the truck ahead.

We'll split the cost of the dinner between us.

The government may step in to settle the disagreement between the union and the employers.

The struggle between the two teams was hard.

He is swaying between two opinions.

Tom swung his hammock between the two trees.

He took the bit in or between his teeth and acted against his parents' wishes.

An international meeting between each minister and the opposite number will be held next month.

The little child took her ear between her thumb and forefinger and tugged it playfully.

There is no tie-in between the two events.

I had to use a toothpick to remove the food that was stuck between the teeth.

The Sino-American trade friction caused the tensions between the two governments.

a triangular relationship between Mary and the two men

A mere trifle brought about a quarrel between the brothers.

a twilight zone between good and evil
