[ 信用与催款 > 信用调查 > letter to referee-4 ]

Dear :

[company] has given the name of your organization as a credit reference. Would you please provide us with the following credit information on this company:

Year of First Sale

Highest Credit Last 12 Months

Amount Now Owing

Amount Past Due

Terms of Sale

Promptness of Payment

(You may add any additional information or comments.)

Please use the enclosed return envelope. The information you share with us will be held in strict confidence and will be used for credit purpose only.

We appreciate your cooperation and will gladly reciprocate at any time.

Sincerely yours,




收件人 (E-mail 地址):
(如果有多个收件人,请用 ; 分隔)
寄件人 (E-mail 地址):

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