ace Achilles act within the bounds of protocol adhesive administrator ADSL amniocentesis answer violence with violence anti-lock braking system Apollo Aquarius arbitral Aries arranged marriage ASEAN atrocious badger game batch processing be compatible with be enshrined in be released from jail bellhop best man bib binge Bitcoin black box blank generation Blitz kids bloody Borneo bowleg boycott bridesmaid brown-nose bull session bum@1 bunk bed burden of proof cancer cantaloupe CAT CAT scan CAT scanner cause a stampede CD-ROM CD-ROM drive central locking city councilor class stratification click and drag closeup come under fire comfy complicit concealer corn chip crib crosswalk cusp Cybercafe debris deflation democracy activist distress call dodge the trend doom DPP dream team drive emoticon euthanasia evacuee gamification gastric ulcer Gemini heat stroke hide out house arrest hub human shield ill-prepared in critical condition in dire need in solitary confinement inbox driver incumbent initiator instill Islamic radicalism joint governance junta Kansai landslide victory lazy Susan linchpin mascara mayor-elect metrosexual moratorium navigate neo-Nazism neon-lit Nigiri nymph off-the-books ordeal organ harvesting organ transplantation pasta pesky play a more active role player polarization Polaroid pontiff presbyopia pro-China approach rally support receptor re-election regional hotspot remain in captivity rift@1 riot gear rocket launcher rub salt in the wounds of run riot sage savory@1 scour@2 search warrant semblance of normalcy septum setup set-up shopaholic short-term volatility shrine shutterbug skew SOB sorrel spark a fusillade of criticism sparkling water speak on condition of anonymity spicery spiritual comfort Spratly Islands state apparatus stave off surfing swipe swoon taint tap@1 technocracy technology terminator territorial integrity thumbnail tilt toward titania tragical transponder treat triplet truffle ultra-rich UN sanctions under construction unpaid pensions up for grabs user-friendly vaccination wage stagnation whizzkid wreckage