
我们知道,人既然是社会动物,就需要和其他人打交道。在一个公司里,你肯定要同某些人打交道,你得处理好各种各样的关系 ---与上级的关系,与下级的关系,与男同事的关系,与女同事的关系。你能否成功顺利,一方面取决於你是否有真实才干,另一方面也取决於你是否能够处理好种种人际关系。处理得当,你会左右逢源,不战而胜;处理不当,你会四处碰壁,不战而败。


在东方有 "真心"和"原则"的分别 。要想发展圆满的人际关系,应该尽量抑制真心,例如对上司的不满应该藏在肚子里,尽量忍耐(而通过与同事闲聊或借酒抒发)。西方人则不一样。他们互相尽力将所想或想说的事(包括不满)坦诚地传达给对方,以 say what you mean and mean what you say (说出你的真意,并以所说为真意) 作为沟通的大原则。所想的事不说出来,忍耐不满,便会产生负面效果。

我们不能说这两种处理人际关系的态度哪种更高明些,是 东方的含蓄还是西方的开诚布公 ,两种方法都是为了一个目的----使人与人之间的关系更和谐美满。也许真理存在於两者之间。


1. You're chattering like a flock of magpies. Stop talking and do your work.
( 你们喳喳真吵死人。别说了,干你们的活。 )

2. These youngsters here haven't even learned how to peel a potato.
Who in the heck raised them, anyway?
( 这里的年轻人连最简单的事情都不会做。他们到底是什麽样的人教养的呢? )

3. They simply haven't learned how to talk to superiors.
( 他们简直没有学会该怎样和上司讲话。 )

4. Instead of recognizing their own inability to get the job done right,
they turn to complaining endlessly.
( 他们不承认自己没有能力作好事情,反而抱怨不断。 )

5. Don't keep yapping back at me when you don't really know the entire picture.
( 不知道整个真实情况你就别对我哇啦哇啦叫个不停。 )

6. He made the women work overtime, but he went home right after five. That's not fair.
( 他让女士加班,自己却五点一到就回家。那是不公平的。 )

7. He is very hard on others but not at all on himself.
( 他对人很严格,但对他自己却完全不是这麽一回事。 )

8. I wish he'd put more trust in us.
( 我希望他再多信任我们一点。 )

9. I hate female bosses ---- they're so picky.
( 我讨厌女性上司,她们太会吹毛求疵。 )

10. She is so touchy about everything! I just can't take all her twisted old maid notions.
( 她对什麽都容易生气!我真是无法忍受她那偏执的老处女脾气。 )

11. I'm caught in that tough spot between the administration and the rank-and-file. I tell you it's rough being in the middle management.
( 我夹在管理阶层和基层员工之间,两头为难。做中间管理工作实在够苦的。 )

12. Boy! Once he sets his mind to do something, he really goes at it full steam! I've come to see him in a whole new light.
( 好家伙!他一旦决心做某事,他是真正全力以赴。我对他有全新的看法了。 )

13. I'd really like to ask Miss White out to lunch, but I don't know what I 'd do, if she turned me down.
( 我真想请怀特小姐出去吃午餐,但如果被拒绝,不知该怎麽办。 )

14. He made it in the world through sheer flattery --- I'll be darn. It's just not right.
( 他完全靠拍马屁出人头地 ---- 真可恶。那很不应该。 )

15. If you've got something to tell me, I want you to tell it to me directly, to my face.
( 如果你有些什麽事要告诉我,我希望你当面讲。 )

16. I'm afraid I don't have the guts to go up to the boss and tell him what I ought to.
( 我想我没有胆量去找老板并告诉他我该说的话。 )




1. I'm caught in that tough spot between the administration and _______.
A. the up-and-down
B. the rank-and-file
C. the rank-and-bank
D. left-and-right

2. I'd really like to ask Miss White out to lunch, but I don't know what I 'd do if she ___ me ___.
A. put...down
B. put...up
C. turned...down
D. turned...up

3. You're chattering like a flock of _____. Stop talking!
A. chickens
B. ducks
C. crows
D. magpies
