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China, India should properly handle differences, develop mutually beneficial cooperation: Wang Yi


2024-07-26 浏览

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with Indian External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar here on Thursday, saying the two countries should properly handle differences, and develop mutually beneficial cooperation.

Wang, also a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, said in the face of the current complex international situation and severe global challenges, China and India, as two major developing countries and two major emerging economies living next to each other, should strengthen dialogue and communication, enhance mutual understanding and trust.

The two sides should work for the improvement, steady and sustainable development of China-India relations with a sense of surmounting differences and frictions, Wang said, adding that the bilateral relationship has an important impact that goes beyond the bilateral scope.

The improvement of bilateral relations should reflect the strategic structure of China and India as two major emerging developing countries, Wang said. The political wisdom of China and India as two ancient civilizations should be reflected in handling their differences, and the unity and cooperation of countries in the Global South should be reflected in addressing global challenges, he added.

It is hoped that the two sides will meet each other halfway, actively explore the right way for the two neighboring major countries to get along, and guide all sectors to build a positive understanding of each other, Wang said.

Wang stressed that the return to the right track of China-India relations serves the interests of both sides and is also the common expectation of countries in the Global South.

Jaishankar said that India and China are the two most populous countries, two major emerging economies and two ancient civilizations with a long history. To maintain the stable and predictable development of bilateral relations fully conforms to the interests of both sides and is of special significance to safeguarding regional peace and promoting multipolarity.

India and China have widely intertwined interests and are also facing the shadow brought by the border situation, but the Indian side is willing to find a solution to differences with a historical vision, strategic thinking and an open attitude and bring bilateral relations back to the positive and constructive track, he said.

The two sides agreed to work together to maintain peace in the border areas and push for new progress in the consultation on border affairs.

The two sides said that they will strengthen communication within the East Asia Cooperation Platform, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Group of Twenty, BRICS and other frameworks, jointly practice multilateralism, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries.
来源: Shanghai Daily  

UN chief urges global action to tackle extreme heat


2024-07-26 浏览

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Thursday called for global action to tackle extreme heat, as "extreme temperatures are no longer a one day, one week or one month phenomenon."

"Earth is becoming hotter and more dangerous for everyone, everywhere," Guterres said in remarks to the press on extreme heat.

Billions of people are facing an extreme heat epidemic -- wilting under increasingly deadly heatwaves, with temperatures topping 50 degrees Celsius around the world, said the UN chief. "That's ... halfway to boiling."

Highlighting the impact of extreme temperatures, Guterres noted a deadly heatwave hitting the Sahel with spiking hospitalizations and deaths, broken temperature records across the United States, scorching conditions killing 1,300 pilgrims during Haj, tourist attractions shut down in Europe's sweatbox cities, and schools closures across Asia and Africa impacting more than 80 million children.

"Extreme heat is increasingly tearing through economies, widening inequalities, undermining the Sustainable Development Goals and killing people," he said.

According to the UN chief, heat is estimated to kill almost half a million people a year, that's about 30 times more than tropical cyclones.

"Extreme heat is the new abnormal," he said, pointing to "fossil fuel-charged, human-induced climate change" as the cause behind extreme temperatures.

"But the good news is that there are solutions," he said.

The UN chief announced a global call to action with four areas of focus: caring for the most vulnerable; stepping up protections for workers; boosting the resilience of economies and societies using data and science; and fighting the "disease" -- "the madness of incinerating our only home," the addiction to fossil fuels, and climate inaction.

He urged that leaders across the board must wake up and step up, including governments as well as the private sector, cities and regions, noting that "all countries must deliver by next year nationally determined contributions -- or national climate action plans -- aligned to limiting global temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius."

Noting that the International Energy Agency has shown fossil fuel expansion and new coal plants are inconsistent with meeting that limit, Guterres urged countries to phase-out fossil fuels, "fast and fairly."

"They must end new coal projects," he stressed.

The UN chief called on the G20 to shift fossil fuel subsidies to renewables and to the support of vulnerable countries and communities.

"And national climate action plans must show how each country will contribute to the global goals agreed at COP28 to triple the world's renewables capacity, and end deforestation by 2030. They must also cut global consumption and production of fossil fuels by 30 percent in the same timeframe," he said.

Guterres also called for similar 1.5-aligned transition plans from business, the financial sector, cities and regions.

Noting that climate action also requires finance action, he said that includes countries coming together for a strong finance outcome from COP29; progress on innovative sources of finance; drastically boosting the lending capacity of multilateral development banks to help developing countries tackle the climate crisis; and wealthier countries making good on all their climate finance commitments.

"The message is clear: the heat is on," said the UN chief, calling on the world to "rise to the challenge of rising temperatures."
来源: Shanghai Daily  

1 dead, 3 missing in northwest China heavy downpours


2024-07-26 浏览

One was killed and three others remain missing in the latest round of heavy rainfall in northwest China's Gansu Province, said local authorities.

Some 192,500 people have been affected across the province. The death was reported in Tongwei County of Dingxi City, and the three missing were registered in Wudu District of Longnan City.

From Monday to Wednesday, Gansu experienced the heaviest rainfall this year, marking the most severe round of downpours since 1961 in the province, said the provincial meteorological bureau.

The province's maximum accumulated precipitation reached 367.7 millimeters, which was recorded at the Xinyao forest farm in Chongxin County.

According to the weather forecast, the rainfall is expected to continue in the following week in Gansu.
来源: Shanghai Daily  

Biden says time to pass torch to 'younger voices'


2024-07-25 浏览

US President Joe Biden told Americans Wednesday that he had dropped out of the 2024 election to unite his party and his country, saying in a historic Oval Office speech that it was time to pass the torch to "younger voices."

In his first televised address since his stunning decision, the 81-year-old hailed his "tough" and "capable" Vice President Kamala Harris, 59, who is set to be the new Democratic presidential nominee.

"The defense of democracy, which is at stake, is more important than any title," Biden said. "I have decided the best way forward is to pass the torch to a new generation. That is the best way to unite our nation."

Biden bowed out of the race later than any other president in US history on Sunday, giving in to weeks of pressure from Democrats after a disastrous debate performance against Donald Trump raised concerns about his age and mental acuity.

Using the powerfully symbolic setting of the Resolute Desk, Biden's speech called for an end to the divisions in US politics and said the country was more powerful than "any dictator or tyrant."

The veteran Democrat said there was a "time and a place for new voices, fresh voices. Yes, younger voices. And that time and place is now."


Biden also rejected accusations that he will be a lame duck for the remaining six months of his one-term presidency.

"Over the next six months I will be focused on doing my job as president," he said, adding that he would keep trying to lower costs for families and defend freedoms including the right to abortion.

Biden's withdrawal has upended Trump's campaign, which had previously focused on the president's age and mental acuity. Now it is Trump, 78, who is the oldest candidate in US history.

Trump hit back at Harris in a harsh broadside at a rally in North Carolina, his first since she secured enough delegates to become the de facto Democratic nominee on Monday.

"She is a radical left lunatic who will destroy our country," he said, describing her as the "ultra liberal driving force behind every single Biden catastrophe."

Trump also claimed that Harris wanted "abortions in the eighth and ninth month of pregnancy" as well as "right up until birth and even after birth, the execution of a baby."

Saying Democratic Party bosses were behind Biden's decision to step down, he accused Harris of covering up Biden's "mental unfitness."


Earlier Wednesday, the White House denied it was hiding any possible decline in Biden's health prior to his decision to drop out of the election race.

"It is not a cover-up. I know that is the narrative that you all want. It is not," Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters, adding that Biden's decision has "nothing to do with his health."

Biden returned to the White House on Tuesday after spending nearly a week with COVID-19 at his Delaware beach home, a period of isolation in which he took the decision to step back.

Republicans have called for Biden to step down altogether, saying that if he is not fit to stand for reelection then he is not fit to serve as president.

Jean-Pierre dismissed that as "ridiculous" and maintained that Biden is no "lame duck."

Biden insists he still has much to offer, such as targeting a peace deal in the Middle East — a legacy-defining dream that many US presidents before Biden have chased.
来源: Shanghai Daily  

US secret service director resigns following attempted assassination of Trump


2024-07-24 浏览

US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle resigned on Tuesday after widespread outrage over the agency's failure to prevent the recent assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania earlier this month.

Cheatle's resignation came one day after she was grilled at a congressional hearing by lawmakers, who said she failed to answer basic questions and demanded that she step down immediately.

At the hearing held by the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, Cheatle acknowledged that it was "the most significant operational failure at the Secret Service in decades."

The committee issued a statement following the hearing. "Republican and Democrat members pressed US Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle for answers on the egregious security lapses that led to the attempted assassination of (former) President Trump, the murder of an innocent victim, and harm to others in the crowd at the campaign rally in Butler, Pennsylvania," it said.

"Director Cheatle could not or refused to answer basic questions from Committee members, leading Republican and Democrat members to call for Director Cheatle's immediate resignation," the committee said.

At the hearing, Cheatle frequently stated that it's only nine days after the shooting, and she was still waiting for reports of the ongoing investigations, emphasizing her effort to ensure the information she provided was accurate.

When asked why the Secret Service failed to secure a rooftop in proximity to the rally site and with a clear view of Trump's podium, Cheatle suggested that the Secret Service had intentionally left the rooftop unattended, as the agency preferred "sterile" rooftops, meaning empty ones.

She explained that the warehouse rooftop was meant to have "overwatch," with law enforcement officers monitoring it from a higher vantage point. "There was a plan in place to provide overwatch and we are still looking into responsibilities and who was going to provide overwatch."

When asked whether the Trump detail requested additional resources before the event, Cheatle said that "for the event on July 13th, the assets that were requested for that day, were given."

A recorded footage clearly showed the gunman, who was getting into position to assassinate Trump, caught the attention of some people around. When asked why the rally wasn't paused at that point when people alarmed officers, Cheatle said "we are currently still combing through communications and when communications were passed."

The US Secret Service has been facing scrutiny after a 20-year-old man, identified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as Thomas Matthew Crooks, armed with an AR-style rifle, was able to get close enough to shoot and injure the former president.

The attack marked the first shooting of a US former president or major party presidential candidate since the 1981 attempted assassination of Republican President Ronald Reagan.

Soon after the incident, US President Joe Biden said he has directed an independent review of the national security at the Trump rally to assess exactly what happened.

Earlier on Tuesday, House Speaker Mike Johnson and Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries officially announced the formation of a bipartisan House task force to investigate the attempted assassination.

"The independent review to get to the bottom of what happened on July 13 continues, and I look forward to assessing its conclusions. We all know what happened that day can never happen again, " Biden said in a statement following Cheatle's resignation.

"As we move forward, I wish Kim all the best, and I will plan to appoint a new Director soon," said the president.
来源: Shanghai Daily  

July 21 marks hottest day on record worldwide: climate change service


2024-07-24 浏览

The Earth experienced its warmest day in recent history on July 21, with the daily global average temperature reaching a new record high, according to the European Union's Copernicus Climate Change Service on Tuesday.

The new peak, recorded at 17.09 degrees Celsius, slightly surpassed the previous record of 17.08 degrees Celsius set on July 6, 2023. This marks the highest global average temperature since at least 1940, according to a report released by the service.

Before July 2023, the previous daily global average temperature record was set on August 13, 2016, at 16.8 degrees Celsius. According to the report, the world has experienced 57 days exceeding this previous record in the past 13 months.

Describing the difference between the temperature of the last 13 months and previous records as "truly staggering," Carlo Buontempo, director of the service, said, "We are now in truly uncharted territory and as the climate keeps warming, we are bound to see new records being broken in future months and years."

The year 2023 has been confirmed as the warmest year on record. Tuesday's report suggested that 2024 could potentially be warmer than 2023, though it is still too early to predict with certainty.

An intense heatwave has swept across parts of the United States, Europe, and Asia over the past month, escalating health and fire risks.
来源: Shanghai Daily  

Over 3,400-yr-old jade, stone 'workshop' discovered at China's legendary Sanxingdui Ruins


2024-07-23 浏览

Archaeologists at the legendary Sanxingdui Ruins site have uncovered a jade and stone artifact processing site dating back over 3,400 years, revealing the source of the previously discovered cultural relics here.

Located approximately one kilometer north of the previously unearthed sacrificial pits, this latest discovery marks significant progress in the archaeological excavation at Sanxingdui in southwest China's Sichuan Province, the provincial cultural relics and archaeology research institute said Tuesday, noting that the archaeologists have preliminarily identified this site as a jade and stone production workshop.

The newly found artifacts include raw jade and stone materials, waste materials, fragments and finished pieces, suggesting a relatively complete chain of handicrafts.

"The discovery of the workshop sheds light on several mysteries, such as the origins of the large quantities of jade and stone raw materials found at Sanxingdui, the techniques used in their crafting, the production processes, and the distribution methods involved," said Ran Honglin, who is in charge of the archaeological work at Sanxingdui Ruins site, under the research institute.
来源: Shanghai Daily  

Falling billboard kills 3, injures 7 in Kunming


2024-07-23 浏览

Three people were killed and seven others injured when a roadside shop billboard collapsed late Monday in Kunming, capital of southwest China's Yunnan Province, local emergency management authorities said Tuesday.

A total of 10 people were injured in the accident that occurred at Jinjiang Road in Panlong District at 9:58pm, according to the district's emergency management bureau.

Of those injured, three have died despite medical efforts, while the remaining seven are currently receiving treatment in the hospital.

Weather reports indicated that the district experienced showers on Monday, but there were no strong winds. A local resident surnamed Li told Xinhua that it was cloudy around 10pm with a gentle breeze.

Relevant departments have formed a joint investigation team to determine the cause of the accident, and the individuals deemed responsible are currently in police custody.
来源: Shanghai Daily  

Taiwan issues land, sea alerts for Typhoon Gaemi


2024-07-23 浏览

Taiwan's meteorological agency has issued both sea and land alerts for Typhoon Gaemi, which is expected to make landfall in Yilan County between late Wednesday night and early Thursday morning.

As of 1pm Tuesday, the center of Typhoon Gaemi was located approximately 470 km southeast of Eluanbi, moving northwest with maximum sustained winds of around 144 km per hour.

The storm's radius is approaching the Bashi Channel and the sea areas southeast of Taiwan, posing a threat to New Taipei, Yilan, Hualien, and Taitung.

The meteorological agency forecasts increasing winds and rainfall as the typhoon draws closer.

Typhoon Gaemi has forced the suspension of some ferry services, the cancellation of certain flights, and the closure or restricted access to several major tourist sites.
来源: Shanghai Daily  

15 confirmed dead in northwest China bridge collapse


2024-07-22 浏览

Rescuers have found the bodies of 15 victims in a highway bridge collapse in northwest China's Shaanxi Province, local authorities said on Sunday evening.

A total of 1,630 professional rescuers, 205 vehicles, 63 vessels and six sniffer dogs were sent to search for the missing, officials said.

More than 20 vehicles plunged into the Jinqian River after a 40-meter section of the No. 2 Bridge in Yanping Village came down at about 8:40pm Friday, following a flash flood triggered by a heavy rainstorm.
来源: Shanghai Daily  

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